Σάββατο 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Howdie parterns!!!


Brrrr! It's cold outside..!!! Christmas is coming!!! What's on your agenda..?? Me, CLASSIC, family time;) As you can see in my blog, I finished Todd Russell's "Fresh Flesh", a very different and unique book.


I've got some news for you! Finally, I got a copy of the first book in the Dwellers Series by David Estes! These books, were voted as the NUMBER ONE BOOKS, which are similar to the Hunger Games..!! Go me!!

What's more, Heidi Garrett , author of Nandana's Mark, came in contact with me and sent me a copy of the revised edition of Nandana's Mark and the second book in the series, the Flower of Isbelline..!!

(nandana's mark revised cover)


Aren't the covers , gorgeous...???


If someone wants an ebook he can't find, contact me and I can help you.!!!




Merry Christmas..!!!



This book was a challenge for me. As a reader I really enjoy the horror-thriller genre, but this book was something else. A very different read , which I believe every lover of horror MUST read it.

Thank you, "Making Connections" for giving me the chance of reading this book! And Todd Russell, of course.

It was an intense reading. Let me tell you something. This isn't just a horror novel. It's a psychological one , too. It combines perfectly three basic elements of a psychological novel: suspence, craziness and perverted human nature. While I was reading this book I found myself wondering what is a life of a criminal, how can he kill and why. I found myself wondering if I could kill, too (no kidding). It got that under my skin!

What is more, the author takes all the above characteristics and "marry" them with a horrific background. Every character has gone through hell and every criminal has lost the sense of reality. This is how this novel, makes you thirsty for more and more and more. To my mind, The second half of the book was more completed than the first half.

I'm not a person who yearns for long and wordy descriptions. The author took care of that, too, with a fast-paced narration. The descriptions were what the book needed. Simple and understandable.
Also, I love it when there are different points of view given in a book. "Fresh Flesh" was this kind of book, as well.

I think, the grammar was at times uncared but this didn't stop me for deavouring this book.

This novel, you either love it or hate it. People who take risks at their reading and wish to read something different, will love it. I'm one of these people. It worthed my time and from now on, I'll have an eye on Todd Russell's work!

Σάββατο 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

For Greek Fans:

Λοιπον, παιδακια μου σας εχω νεαααα.!! Καινουργι βιβλιοο!!! Ναι, ναι!!! Απο την Παπαδημακοπουλου Γιωτα , ερχεται το αληθινο "Ξεπεσμενοι αγγελοι"! Δυνατο και δραματικο μυθιστορημα! Απο τις εκδοσεις ΜΑΤΙ..! Παρακατω βλεπετε το full cover:

Εχουμε και ΠΡΩΤΗ ΕΠΙΣΙΜΗ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣΗ.,!!!! ναι, ναι, ναι!!! Η εκδηλωση στο φεις μπουκ:

Υποστηριξτε παιδια..!!! Θα ειναι μια πανεμορφη εμπειρια.!!

Κυριακή 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

https://www.facebook.com/weloveYAnovels?ref=hl here's my fb page (MUCH MORE ACTIVE THAN MY BLOG) go on, press the like button and enjoy! I've uploaded some kick ass books for December 2012 reads and a POLL! MY FIRST POLL..!! Vote...:)

Κυριακή 25 Νοεμβρίου 2012

Υes, I know... I miss you a lot, too....:/ I've got some news for you and some pages to like....

First of all, SORRY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO UPDATETHIS BLOG... Oh gosh, I'm really, truly sorry.... To be honest, I'm not in the mood of reading books and writing reviews... I have to study my Russian and my English lessons and it's kind of hard reading other books... But .. I'll be back! After all, Christmas is coming..!!!


Even if it's a (little) too late: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! YEA!!!!! HAPPY ALL SAINTS' EVE!!!

BOOOOO!!!!! Halloween is one of my favorite fests (along with christmas:P) I really love the whole atmosphere.!!! So, that night I watched a remake movie of Halloween (you know Michael Myers, right?). This is a tradition for me. Every Halloween I'll watch a classic massacre movie!! What about you...??

So, I'm moving on... You can find me on twitter: @augustine_soph_

On my facebook pages...: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Twilight-Saga-Vampire-Diaries-Supernatural/131329297008058?ref=hl  and https://www.facebook.com/weloveYAnovels?ref=hl (ok please if you want send me a like;)) 

On my goodreads account: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7313521-augustine-sophia 

and on my personal email: soph_nicole_312@yahoo.gr


What is more, for my GREEK friends I have some new pages for you to like..!!!

a) for excellent reviews about movies, tvseries and ESPECIALLY books go to: https://www.facebook.com/vivlia.tainies 

b)for excellent reviews about books (and greek litterature) go to: https://www.facebook.com/ToMegaleioTonTechnon

Please support my tries and my friends' tries...! This is all about you guys and you personal entertaiment..!

So, about books.. I received an ebook copy of Fresh Flesh by Tod Russell, a horror novel which I'm currently reading. Creepy cover, huh?

Also, I FINALLY READ the first books of the Fifty Shades Trilogy- Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James!! The book all the world is talking about..!! Wait for my review on this one..! And be aware of my reviews on the whole trilogy..!!!

Um... what else... Oh! A week for now I';; have my birthday cake!!!Sweet 18..!!


So, one month 'till Christmas and I'll come back with more... PINKY SWEAR AND PROMISE...!!



Sorry for any typing mistakes..!!!


See ya....;)

https://www.facebook.com/pages/robert-pattinson-fan-page/180332702022884?fref=pb (i forgot this page is about robert pattinson fans....!!)







Παρασκευή 19 Οκτωβρίου 2012


Howdie partners!!!! Remember the Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa? One of my favorite series.....! So, I've just learnt that IF they get 5000 SHARES AND TWITS, some books will be FOR FREE DOWNLOADING!! Come folks..! Show me your support.! I really need to read The Iron prophecy..!!!

Πέμπτη 18 Οκτωβρίου 2012



Ι'm sorry I'm not so active, I've got my studies goin' on and I'm soo tired and sleepy all the time! So, I'm givin' myself a break... See you soon, guys!


до свидания...!!!

My favorite cat <3

Σάββατο 13 Οκτωβρίου 2012

So, I'd like to make something clear.. Some of you might think why I named my blog "Once upon a December". Of course my favorite fairytale is Anastasia's and Dima's (you know the animation)  in which Anya happens to be a real historical figure , the daughter of Nikolai Romanov. Anyway, there's a song in this movie called "Once upon a December" which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! This is the first and the main reason. What's more, I was born on December and it's also my favorite month and season (winter aaaugh! I love it ) along with Halloween , but anyway...:P Finally, I really hope I could travel to Russia someday, I like the culture and the language (I'm taking up Russian btw) and you know... It's one of my dreams-to-come-true-list:P So, I guess I'm over. You got bored reading this , I know!

I just wanted to tell you!

Aaaugh!!!!! I love you, Dima!!!!!!


 Aloha muchachos!!!!!

I'm currently reading "Something like Normal" by Trish Doller, a story about a young marine and his attempts to get back on his feet and live something like normal, after Afganistan. It's interesting and expect a review soon...


A little reminder....


Go like my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/weloveYAnovels?ref=hl I upload my review there as well but with your support I could make big things happen ( fingers crossed:P).

I've got some new pages for you guys, my cousin's actually. They are interesting and fun also!




Ookay.... After this... Here's my emai, too : soph_nicole_312@yahoo.gr for anyone who wishes to contact me!


My twitter: https://twitter.com/augustine_soph_ or find me by my username: @augustine_soph_


My goodreads account: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7313521-augustine-sophia


So..... I'm thinking what books I'll start next.. I have my 2012 goal up to 50 books and I've completed 42 books so far... I think I'll made it!! I've started with 30 books but you know the bookworms...!


So, that's it or now!! Happy weekend and happy reading:)

Πέμπτη 11 Οκτωβρίου 2012


L.J Smith is one of my favorite YA authors. She proved it again with the Secret Circle series. I believe the VD are nothing compare to the SC.

Well, let me start with the final It had EVERYTHING: suspence, terror, romance (well I wanted dome more between Adam and Cassie:P), emotions... The writing was as always stimulating, the atmosphere magical and mythical. I felt like being in the Middle Times!

The characters were again amazing- so much emotions from Cassie and Adam, but I really fell for Nick, too!- Diana was sweet , caring and selfless, Faye as always dangerous but smart... I really enjoyed this book, I was gasping for some air while I was DEVOURING this book. You heard me...I DEVOURED IT!

The series are worth reading. It's like watching a freaking tv-serie! (No, I won't comment for the tv-series, there's NOTHING alike these books) It's definetely a MUST on your library!

Some drawbacks now: I think L.J Smith's books (VD and SC) are too YA for me. She targets in sixteen year-old. For example, I wanted more romance and more pages...:P LOL! Also, I'd love if she wrote more about their inner world.. It was just something I missed.

I vote for a new novel!!! Something more!! NOT from a ghost author, though! Finally, I believe Diana was too good... I don't know if I'd left my boyfriend (for years) to a new girl... :/

Overall, read this series!!!! Forget about the tv-series it's the product of the next book of a ghost author.

Just TAKE THE BOOKS and forget about the show!


I recieved an ebook copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

Okay...This book was nothing like other ESP books I've read. It was a flat story, with no surprises and it didn't thriled me. I felt obligated to finish this. After some chapters, I kinda liked it.. but that was it. The plot was less interesting than I thought. The characters were nice... The setting captured my mind though; sometimes (not often) I was inside the book, because of this atmosphere. The writing was simple and that's the main reason , I read it (somehow) pleasantly.
This book didn't work for me as I thought it will be. I don't know, I'm just disappointed about this book. I wanted it to be a BADASS! But, I guess, everyone has different tastes.
However, I might read some other books from Juba as well, I liked her writing style a lot (this is the reason I give this book 3 stars).

Τρίτη 9 Οκτωβρίου 2012

It seems I can't write without mistakes.... Sorry again...!

hey guys, miss me?:)

So, I've just finished  the second and the third book in Strange Angels series..... I'm in love with these books! I know, I promised review but I really don't feel like writing something. It's been a long week:/ Anyways, no worries! I PROMISE YOU (PINKY SWEAR AND FINGERS-CROSSED) when I finish the last book, I'll give you a summary for ALL THE SERIES!!!! PROMISE !!!

So, I'm currently reading:

 And expect my review for the last one... (same as the Strange Angels, I'll write a review when I finish the Secret Circle trilogy).

 I got "Dark Before Dawn" in exchange for an honest review.  This is the description of the books from www.goodreads.com


...."When teen psychic Dawn Christian gets involved with a fortuneteller mentor and two girls who share her mysterious talents, she finally belongs after years of being a misfit. When she learns her new friends may be tied to freak accidents in town, Dawn has an important choice to make - continue developing the talent that makes her special or challenge the only people who have ever accepted her. This novel is aimed at young adults, and at adults who enjoy paranormal YA such as the Twilight series, House of Night, and The Vampire Diaries series, Meg Cabot’s The Mediator series, or Lois Duncan books..."

And dam daram dam daram....... After my request to Monica La Porta, I got an ebook copy of  The Priest...! (happy face*) I'll try to start this one this weekend... I've got my studies though and it's nearly impossible:/



Finally, as you can see iI blogged about the giveaway of my friend in the UK Aysha...! Enter and win!


That's it for now!!!!!!! Kisses and have faith, miracles happen;)


Reading Under the Stars: Birthday Giveaway!!

Reading Under the Stars: Birthday Giveaway!!: Hey everyone! So, as you can see by the title, it is officially my birthday and as of today I'm 18.  Yep, that's right.  In the eyes of th...



Παρασκευή 5 Οκτωβρίου 2012




I'm guilty! I didn't know for this book until the series! ( forgive me lord) So, I decided to read the first book and again the same as the "Vampire Diaries" IT WAS NOTHING LIKE THE SERIES! MUCH BETTER! But, I'm not here to talk about the series , I'm here to review the book.

Once again, I fell in love with Smith's writing. I strongly believe she's the best YA writer. "The Secret Circle" is so much better than "The Vampire Diaries"! Okay, here it goes.!

The characters were well-formed, completed, interesting and just like any teenager, some were bullies (like Faye) and some the high-school queens (like Diana). It was like watching a movie and this is one of the reasons I love L.J Smith's books.

The story was vivid, breathtaking and with some twists. Here we are, with a well-written book, excellent grammar and vocabulary, the story "was talking by itself". Every chapter sent shivers down my spine; I was anxious for the ending, I kept reading it until dawn.

The ending... uhhhhhh! I think this first book should be longer! But, this is why there's a second and a third and fourth book... etc:P

Anyways, maybe it was too YA for me but I'm going to read the next books and I have a feeling they will get their 5 stars.!



First things first: A bunch of thanks to Tate Jackson for sending me an ebook copy:) Thanks for considering me:D

This is the kind of book you either hate or love. There were these moments which I didn't want to finish it, when there were these other moments which I was anxious for the story.

I was a little disappointed because the edition was poor and I sometimes observed language mistakes as well as expression difficulties. All these were disturbing; I found myself really impatient to finish this book.

But (there's always a BIG BUT) the story and the characters were funny, sarcastic and interesting. I loved Richard and Leso (ok, hot guys too) and I really-really-really fell in love with Beck and Richard as a couple. They were always fighting but they were made for each other. Literaly. This story reminded me a lot of Twilight, some scenes were the same but I liked the "originality" of this book; a time travel to save her family.

What is more, this book was based on dialogues, something we don't see much often. We all know paranormal novels are "wordy" and very descriptive (something I HATE:/) However, this novel took me (again) by surprise! You got more for the characters and their feelings from what they say than what they think. This was a pleasant surprise (I admit it I missed at times some descriptions) but I liked it.

The plot was good , without so many twists but the time-travelling kept me on edge. Unfortunately, I wasn't so anxious or nervous for this book while I was reading it but I enjoyed it. If you're into paranormal-vampire novels, if you're carving for loads of humour and laugh and if you're a Twilight-er , GO FOR THIS BOOK!

Overall, it was a fun and an entertaining reading with a flat but interesting story and characters. I'm expecting the sequel will be much more thrilling and breathtaking.

Τετάρτη 3 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Gosh, I've just noticed my TOO MANY GRAMMAR MISTAKES!!! I'm typing really fast!!! SOORY MY HIGH-SCHOOL TEACHER SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!!

So, sorry guys but I couldn't finish this book. I left half-way, hopefully I'll run into it again someday... It was boring and the main heri was so woman-ish.. Anyway the writing is PERFECT and if you'd like check it though; I don't STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT...!


I've started Betrayals (BOOK 2 IN STRANGE ANGELS SERIES) so wait for my review the coming days... Also, I've just started, "The secret circle-The initiation-BOOK 1 ). Well, I've watched the show and I've decided I should read the books , too. WAIT FOR MY REVIEWS.!!

What is more , I hope today I'll finish "The undead heart" and share my review with you.!



Sorry for the delay.!

Δευτέρα 1 Οκτωβρίου 2012


Ok guys.... I've just received and email from Beck Sherman, letting me know that on OCTOBER 3rd and 4th "REVAMP" will be free on Amazon. YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK!!!! Here's the link :



What happens when you're the girl next door, have the perfect relationship and the security you've always wanted until you find a passionate and fiery rock singer, who gives you the thrill and fire of a thrilling adventure? Kiera, had it all. A loving and caring Aussie boyfriend, Denny, who she's staying with him , a scholarship and a job in a club, new house and a new life. And of course a new roomate. Kellan. The rock singer who stole her heart.

This book was an emotional rollercoaster. Love, care, happiness, lust, passion, thrill, guilt, regret, depression, sadness.... I found myself breathing and living into this book, shouting at Kiera, feeling my heart acking when she was hurting for Kellan. This book is a journey of emotions and thoughts, it made me think about me. What would I do if I was in her shoes? If I had fallen in love and found my soulmate when I was already in a relationship.

After my personal thoughts... Let's review it!


We have a strong writing and an exciting and easy narration. I loved the pace of this book, it explained everything without too much words. We get an insight into Kiera's feelings, but that doesn't mean we don't see and understand Denny's or Kellan's. You'll feel the urge to continue reading it , you'll want to know what's next and I blame it all on the writing.


Interesting and completed, each one with a different character. They seem to know what to expect and what to ask from life. But, as we all know, good things happen unexpectedly:) Kiera is a lot like me, shy and smart, but she's insecure and afraid of showing her true feelings to Kellan and leave from the safety of Denny's arms. Kellan, on the other hand, is passionate and sexy, a bad boy really; until he meets Kiera. Then, everything changes. Denny is the most sweet boy I've ever read in a book, caring and loving and innocent and naive.... I loved his accent! (I'm an Aussie too, so I have a thing about these accents)


Again, we have a completed story full of passion, drama, romance, dilemmas. Kiera and Kellan made it through but they had to broke apart several times or deny their feelings for each other. This book keeps you on edge and creates this atmosphere... I can't find words to describe it!

I really don't have something else to say. You should read it and trust me- you won't have words either. Your emotions will be enough!

P.S Kellan is a hottie:) Denny is a cutie:) Kiera is selfish- fortunately she understood it:)


Κυριακή 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012



Sorry, I can't continue reading it. I stopped after the jaccuzzi incident. Ok, gross. And lame. I mean, there's no plot, no background story, everything goes pretty fast. Gross. And lame. Again. I can't read this. 


Τετάρτη 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012



Wow. How can I write a review after reading this book? I can't find the words to describe it. But I'll give it a try.

Okay. This book caught my eye six months ago when I first saw its cover. THIS COVER I loved it. And the title. THIS TITLE It took my heart away. I had a feeling about this book. I was certain as I fell in love with the cover I would fall in love with the content. I guessed correctly.

I felt myself blessed when "We love YA BOOKS!" send me an email and informed about the ARR of Lacrimosa. I immediately signed up, I wouldn't lose my chance. So, thanks so much for sending me this copy. T

Then I start reading.

I must put everything into order though; I'll start from the writing and the characters.

THE WRITING: Breathtaking. This is the right word. We have a fast-paced novel, simple sentences with correct punctuation. It was the ideal way of making me nervous about the next pages. What is more, this book didn't have many descriptions of places, moments,thoughts etc. which I really liked it. I'm not the person who loves complicated and long descriptions. All in all, the writing was clear, justified, simple and as I sad before BREATHTAKING

THE CHARACTERS: Completed. Emotional. Written and formed with compassion and love. Christine Fonseca created angels with emotions , feelings and passion. Nesayiel and Aydan were conflicted about their duty and about their feeling for each other. Zane and Cass , are true friends and believe in Nesayiel's choices. Azza's a cunning and cruel master, but behind all these I think he had been through a lot. Mikayel suffered from the loss of his lover. Every angel have to deal with human feelings whether they like it or not and that's the reason I felt so familiar with them and shared their dilemmas.

Ok, let's continue.

THE ATMOSPHERE : Charged with feelings. Emotional. Depressing and desperate. From the beggining 'till the end I felt that there's was no coming back. Whatever happens and will happen won't change. I felt drawn to Aydan's and Nesayiel's inner world. I acked ith them, cried with them, got angry with them. For three days, as long as I was reading this book, I was living in their world.

THE PLOT : Simple but full of surprises. Fonsenca has this ability to create a basic story full of action and suspence and in the end wih new surprises. Basically, I loved the action and I was caught off guard countless times. Everything is about Nesayiel's and Aydan's love but that doesn't mean we don't have flashblacks or other stories. And by the way, the flashblacks were what the reader needed to understand their past (meaninf Nesayiel's and Aydan's ) and their present.

MY THOUGHTS : Εxcept of the former, I have to say the most captivating thing about this book, was the strong writing ability of Fonseca. Pictures, voices and feelings crashed my soul and my head as I reading it and I mean it. Sometimes, I wanted to crash my laptop! I was shouting and crying and felt nervous all the freaking time. This book's style is my favorite, I adored it! Christine Fonseca I love you!!!! Keep writing I need more work from you!!! You are seriously one of my favorite authors of YA , keep it up!

I strongly recommend it. I can't say anything else, I'm out of words.

P.S: Zane's in love with her, I knew it all the time. I want to see them together in the sequel! Give me a scene when they're kissing!

Δευτέρα 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012


William Honor is a person with a sad but dangerous past; his ex-wife had control over him and broke up with him for money twice. Now, he finds Emma, a girl without parents, shattered dreams about her future, an aunt who doesn't care about her (only her boyfriends), insecure and a little depressed. Emma wants desperately to get away of all these, to have the attention she wanted all her life, to find a person who can get all his attention to her even if he's being cruel and possessive. William is this person. I think they're meant to be together, they want to get away from their past and find someone who can depend their lives on. William , after his ex-wife has trust and controlling issues, he doesn't want to be hurt again this way. This is the reason about his wild and sadistic-mazhocistic sex life. Emma from the other hand, thinks she deserves to be punished and have a man like him. They both have matters and insecurities and again, that's the reason they're a match made in heaven (well, not in heaven exactly, but anyway....LOL!).

 I'm disappointed to say that the version I got was poorly edited, with many grammar and structure mistakes. This story is very fast and I confess I don't like "fast erotic stories". Also, the description of the playroom and the sextoys was poor, we needed a little more here! I give two stars about this book, mainly for the edition and the mistakes and about the storyline, too. It didn't impressed me, the sex scenes were ok but I believe this book lucks of a dynamic discription and well-formed characters.

Σάββατο 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012




The funny thing about this book was that I actually started fell in love with it after Pressina's curse for her daughters. Before that, I was like "Ok, a good story about fairies, not impressed." But, this is a promising book with a more promising ending. Actually, the ending was unfinished. This way, I really want to read the sequel; I'm curious for what happens next.
First of all, thanks to "Lovers of Paranormal- read2review it programme" for sending me this ebook. Garrett created a magical novel, with vivid and beautiful pictures,a capturing narration and interesting characters. As a matter of fact, it reminded me of a fairytale. I'll read it to my little sister and to my children! It's the ideal book for a light afternoon reading. I enjoyed Melia, Melusine and Plantine and of course Ohloh , the prince on the white horse:) Elynus and Pressina were the tragic figures of the story. A love condemmed to die.
What is more, I believe we have a lot to see from this series , I expect a thrilling sequel! This reading put me back in my childhood , when I thought everything was made from fairydust;) Thanks for this fascinating trip Heidi Garrett!

P.S: I told you I'm expecting an exciting sequel! I want to live inside a fairytale again..!

Finished it...!!! my review will be posted afterwards! :)

Παρασκευή 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Sooooo, I've got so many books I'd like to read but I can't choose!!! Any ideas...?

You can find me on twitter:  https://twitter.com/augustine_soph_

or on my new fb page (need support , likes please:D) : http://www.facebook.com/weloveYAnovels?ref=hl

on my goodreads account: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7313521-augustine-sophia-nicole

and on my email: soph_nicole_312@yahoo.gr

 Support me..! Bloggers, authors, readers I would be glad to meet you and get in  touch..!




Πέμπτη 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012


So, three stars. This book was interesting but I think the sequel will be much much more promising and thrilling.
For starters, thanks "Lovers of paranormal- read2review it programme" for sending me this e-book copy.
So,here we are, with a twist in the classic Antichrist-Devil's son thing, an idea with its pros and cons. Nathan is a sixteen-year old teenager, having no idea that he's the Antichrist. But, this Antichrist isn't the heartless, cunning, killer , Satan's son, who'll lead the humankind in the end. This Antichrist is the Uniter (according to the book) , the one and truly savior for humanity. So, Nathan tries to understand his new powers and his fate. His best friends Shayla and Cheeseman are his protectors (or keepers) who love him and take care of him. Mr. Jerico (his real dad) is a keeper too, who I think is a leading character in the story.
The setting and the story were well-formed , the characters funny and smart and the writing simple. This book wasn't boring but it didn't thrilled me so much. Maybe it was too YA for my taste. The plot was very simple and I believe the story was flat. But, I think the next books will be a surprise. We will watch Nathan transforms into the true Antichrist and maybe the apocalypse (?) . This twist in the infamous Antichrist's story was something new but I hoped for some religious stuff and info. In my opinion, when your story is about religion , you should keep it in this line.
I'll read the next books and I have a feeling I'll rate them with 4 or 5 stars. I need to see a more complicated plot and mysterious characters, not a bunch of kids in highschool.

P.S: Moving in another state was the best ending for this book. Now, the tue story begins!

Τρίτη 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Δευτέρα 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012



All-time favorite:) Enjoy:D

A bunch of thanks to "Shut up and Read- Read and Rape it programme" for sending me "Revamp"!!! Hoping for a sequel;)


Currently reading it....! Got an e-book copy from "Lovers of paranormal-read2review it programme" review coming soon!



Thanks the "Shut up and Read-Read it and Rape it programme" for sending me a copy of this book. I'm not the person who yearns for vampires ; actually it's very difficult for me to be impressed by a vampire novel. However, this book caught my eye from the first pages. I gave it five clear stars, everything was perfect. And I mean it. Fast-paced, full of action, sarcasm and a bit romance, "Revamp" is a horror novel which you shall never forget.
For starters, Emma, the heroine , reminded me of myself. Sometimes, I felt like Emma was my twin sister or something! She was strong-minded, stubborn, conscious and caring. She did anything in her power to save Charlie and she made it! Where there's a will, there's a way. She was a fighter and initially she became the hunter everyone wished to be.
Cooper, (oh my love!) had been through hell and never complained about anything. He found Emma and saved her and I'm pretty sure he fell in love with her, the first time he laid eyes on her. He was determined and tried to save everyone when Scott (the leader of the group) was not around. He always supported Emma, ALWAYS no matter what and protected her.
Now, Scott ( it was a pity to see his son a vampire and his wife dead), Mary (Scott's wife and a religious lunatic- I don't blame her after what she'd been through), Sammy ( so sweet!) Charlie and Seven (thank god they were together at last!), Topps ( a lonely cowboy!), Schizo and Buggs ( schizo-what a name!) and Rudy ( he was AWESOME!), all of them had their good and their bad moments. All of them had lost someone but they found the courage to go on and forget the past.
What is more, I loved the "flashbacks". This way, we learned a lot about their lives before the "revamp". One thing I loved about this book was that it was actually a "book-movie". The author, made a book full of adventure and thriller and at times it looked like watching a horror movie. The flashbacks helped a lot. I confess I was peeping to my mirror to see if anyone was starring at me! The adrenaline was hightened!
Leech and Mabon ( I knew Leech was hiding something from the beggining and Mabon was a psycho) were the bad guys. I was so pleased when Emma staked Mabon ( I was like: Who's the boss now uh?) but I liked Leech, his style and his type were cool.
The most thrilling and the the thing why this novel is one of my favorites is the fact that it's a completed book. It starts , is has a strong story and a compelling writing and it ends (with a cunning way.) We watch the story of a girl ,who tries to survive in an undead world, and her dreams for the future. The dreams of all of her friends .
So, I'm asking Sherman if we have a sequel???? Please, please I'm begging you, I'm falling to my knees ( well not literally but who knows?) I need need need a second book! I need to see Emma and Cooper together! Where is Leech? Will the vampire race die from starvation? What happens next? But , I know, maybe this is one of the magic this book helds. Maybe, we-the readers- should imagine what happens next. Just start thinking for a second book! The ending was promising!

If you'd like a change and want to read something thrilling and fascinating , read "Revamp." I'm sure it'll capture your soul. It's the best choice if you want to get away from the all-known YA novels!

P.S: Cooper is my soulmate (hohohohoh and Emma's my twin sister)!        

P.S 2: Don't judge it by its cover!

Κυριακή 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012


P.S:I looooooved it!! 


After I finish the Vampire Academy series (i'm still on blood promise btw) by Richelle Mead, I wish to read the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare and :

also by Cassandra Clare!!! In 2013, the movie's out so I really need to finish them!!!!!


If you want to discuss anything about books, reviews ( or just to meet me ), or need some e-books I've got plenty... send me an e-mail in soph_nicole_312@yahoo.gr !!




So, guys.... I have a bunch of e-books I can share with you. If you'd like contact my e-mail soph_nicole_312@yahoo.gr (also written in the information section) and ask of anything!



Σάββατο 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

E dimmi come stai e nei tuoi giorni cosa fai;
parlare è facile sotto questa finta luna....
Ed io ti ascolterò e se cadrai ti prenderò:
sei meno fragile dentro questa notte scura..... <3


(translation to english.. )

now tell me how you feel and what you do in your days...
speaking is easy under this fake moon....
I will listen to you and if you ever fall I'll catch you....
you are less frail in this dark night.....:)


I sooo want to learn italian..!!!!

 (Note- how I review a book:
-1 star: I don't recommend it, boring , without interest, maybe I didn't even finish it.
-2 stars: Hot and cold, I kinda liked it , I finished just to see the ending.

-3 stars: It was ok, 'till something alter my opinion to the worst.
-4 stars: Very interesting book, liked the plot and the characters, caught my breath, really liked it, I gave it 4 stars because I missed this "something" that would make it my favorite book. (or one of my favorites.)



This book kept me on edge.! I was so sad about Puck , when he shouted at Ash about Meghan, and in this particular moment I understood that maybe Puck loves her truly! And Ash..... such a tortured soul! I mean, he thought that Ariella was dead- she won't! He made all this way to the End of the World for Meghan, he gave up he's ice- fairy nature for her , to earn a soul! Wow! I really need a fifth book! Is Ash really a human? Or he's immortal and can handle glamour as well as before he gave up his true nature? What about Puck? Will he ever be peaceful and forgive hiself for waiting so long? What favor will Grimalkin collect from Ash? So many questions! So many feelings! I love this series so much! I was crying before I realized it in the ending..! Omigod these words:"Where have you come from , traveler?"
"I have come from the End of the World," said a quiet voice that made my heart stop beating. "From the River of Dreams, through the gauntlet and the Briars and the Deep Wyld, in order to stand before you today. I have but one request, to take my place at your side. To resume my duty as your knight, and to protect you and your kingdom for as long as I draw breath." He raised his head and pushed back the hood, and a gasp went around the throne room." I am still yours my queen," Ash said , looking me straight in the eye." If you'll have me."

How can you forget such words? And of course Grimalkin.. The last scene, it was the perfect ending scene! Thanks Julie Kagawa for this amazing fairy trip! Keep writing!

P.S: Think about a fifth book from the side of Meghan this time. Or from Puck's. I would enjoy it, just like the others!You know how to create sceneries and characters that will break our hearts ! You know how a book can take your breath away from the first sentence! Thank you.!

Everybody must read this series! Vivid pictures, great narration, so much history, characters who changes through years; are what complete these books. It's a series that gets better with each book!
Full of adventure, humour and emotions ,the "Iron fey" is a true fairytale which will capture your soul and mind!