It's 5:30 in the morning and I just finished this book. I can't sleep. Seriously.
So much emotions for this book. I'll try and express myself.
First of all, I got this free ebook in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you "Basically Books" and thank you David Estes.
Let me tell you one thing. I had my eye on this book for the last months and many times I had the chance of reading and reviewing it. I really wanted to read this book, but I never tried. Someday, "Basically Books" send me an email which informed me that "The Moon Dwellers" by David Estes, can be send out to readers. I decided, it wasn't random at all. I signed up and I DON'T REGRET IT.
I've read somewhere that this book has been voted as the first book similar to "The Hunger Games". This was something else that made me signed up for this novel. Look, maybe all this dystopian character and the Tri-realms (same as districts in THG) are similar BUT NO. I've read the Hunger games series and trust me, this book has nothing to do with these.
I'm thrilled that a male author won the bet and described from both a male and a female prespective. I think for a man to write from a woman's side is a challenge. A challenge David won it.
I loved that every chapter was told by a different angle , Adele's and Tristan's. I loved the descreptions; not boring and wordy but fast-paced and understandable. I loved the character construction. Adele, the strong heroine, true to her word and the protector of her family. Tristan, innocent and silly sometimes but a great warrior with a gentle heart and smarts. Cole, a guy who suffered so much;yet he doesn't lose his sense of humour. Tawni, a rebellious girl and a supportive friend. Elsey the youngest but so mature.
Also, the author knows how to set the atmosphere and how to create vivd images of the surroundings. The writing is smooth but strong and the grammar and vocabulary well-cared.
So... Let's move on, to my personal thoughts.
I confess, I craved for the moment when Tristan and Adele would meet! Seriosuly, I waited for so long and their official meeting was.... something I've never imagined. It was different but so beautiful.
I devoured this book. I couldn't stand than reading more and more and more! I say to you, this book is a RE-READ for me! After so many months, I finally found a book worth re-reading it!
But..the ending..? Why? Why? WHY? I needed a kiss! I needed more time with Tristan and Adele! I needed answers! Why do they feel pain when they are close? What didn't Tristan tell Adele? What's the meaning of her mom's note? Seriosuly?????? I NEED MOREEEE!!!!!!!
Don't ask me why my rating is 4 stars (actually 4.5). I'm waiting to read the sequel of the series and the last book!
This was a really good story, well-formed and vividly described. Even if I'm not into books which have a sense of impossibity, this novel was DIFFERENT. And I like difference.
So, if you haven't READ THIS! Just read it and then you won't get any sleep.. Like me!
Great work, David Estes!
P.S I loved the name Adele.!! Is this your wife's name..? It's unique.!

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